What is the most common reason for various businesses to doubt whether they need to outsource their support team? We would say it is the doubt that an outsourced team is going to be able to deliver the same values and the same quality of service to the end user as an in-house support team.
So, today we decided to answer the question that might be on your mind right about now — how do we deliver strong values of our clients to the end users, all the while maintaining our own?
In this article, we'll cover:
SupportYourApp key points
Corporate values are something that needs a lot of thinking and developing. That is exactly why it is important to be protective of them when the set is developed and when there is a new partnership on the horizon. That is why, when stepping into a new partnership, we stick by several points which are very well-accepted by our clients:
1. End-users should not know ‘kitchen secrets’
The choice of whether you have an in-house team or work with the remote company should in no way reflect on the end users’ experience. After all, support consultants are supposed to be equipped with the knowledge and the skills to resolve any issues, that the customers might come across, no matter where they work.
2. We see ourselves as the extension of your team
It is so important for us to deliver the values and customer centric policies of our clients because we see our team as an extension of yours. Not only we deliver your company values, we share them. And we make sure that our services do not feel outsourced — we care about your business and your end users just as any in-house team would.
3. We abide by our values as well
The fact that we are adapting new set of values and implementing them into every-day work of both dedicated and shared teams, doesn’t mean that we are forgetting our own. No, on the contrary, we are more than happy to expand our pool of values and knowledge and, possibly, add some to our client’s list. With their interest and permission, of course.
Values and consultants
In order to build and maintain customer centric philosophy, we have to make sure that our team is expanded with only those who are ready and willing to operate within this doctrine right from the start. That is why we are so serious and dedicated about our hiring and onboarding processes. We want to make sure that the newcomers are going to be open to adapting and operating within set customer centric values and scopes. Of course, when it comes to hiring new consultants, we are always asking for our customer’s opinion and needs, in order to make sure that we are only adding the best.
You can find out more information about our onboarding here.
How to make sure that your outsource is just what you need?
There is no doubt right now — it’s extremely important to choose an outsource partner who has strong customer centric policies, but also understands that the product support team must deliver your values and channel them to your end users. So, how to make sure that you are getting the service that suits you and your goals?
- 💬 Gather or check for regular feedback from the users
Surveys and different questionnaires is a good way to understand whether your outsource partner is the best fit for delivering your values. How do they communicate with the users? Are they delivering the best service? Are they resolving tickets in a timely and efficient manner? These are just some questions that you might ask the users to find out more about the services.
Moreover, a good and professional customer support service is going to gather this information without your requests and will share it with you, all the while perfecting their services.
- 👀 Have regular meetings with the team
In the era of modern communication, it doesn’t matter whether your support team is in the same building with you or on the other side of the globe — you can connect to anyone at any time. Especially if you have a 24/7/365 vendor like SupportYourApp. Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom are among the tools that can help you with this task. Communicating with the team, their supervisor or Delivery Manager is not a problem any time of the day.
Meeting and talking to the team is going to further strengthen their feeling of your corporate values and give them a better understanding of the best ways to deliver them to your customers.
- ❓ Do not be afraid to ask the questions
B2B world is not a place where additional questions are deemed unnecessary and not important. On the contrary — you have all the right to ask questions that are going to give you a better understanding of whether your values are cherished and are being delivered and whether your vendor is a good fit for you.
Why do we pay so much attention to your values?
We at SupportYourApp understand that developing a working and reflective set of values is not an easy task. It takes time and effort. And starting a B2B relationship that is not going to help you maintain and further develop them makes no sense. That is exactly why we are focusing on the values of our clients so much. We know and understand that your time and your efforts matter.
✔️ That is also why we are so focused on delivering the best customer centric service possible — that is our value, and we stick by it.
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Anna started out in financial markets, diving into daily research on bonds and stocks. A passionate reader with a love for historical literature and international cuisine, she’s now all about mastering customer communication. She writes in-depth about customer support, backed by extensive research, and has become an expert on the topic.
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